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August 27, 2019

Do I Need an Attorney, or Can I Use an Online Service for Estate Planning?

You need an attorney. A comprehensive Estate Plan consists of documents that control your wealth and possessions and determine your future health care and financial decisions. Have it done right.

When you hire an attorney, the documents drafted on your behalf are designed specifically for you. Your family and financial situation are unique. Your concerns, priorities, and goals are unique. A cookie-cutter, fill-in-the-blank Will or Trust will likely do far less to achieve your desired ends than an experienced attorney can.

Another glaring drawback to online services is that they can do little to ensure the proper execution of legal requirements. You may ultimately end up with a document lacking the necessary steps, formalities, or components to be enforceable.

By contrast, an attorney can effectively counsel and advise you through the estate planning process. Hiring an attorney ensures

(1) you are getting the type of estate planning document you need,

(2) with the features you care about, and

(3) the documents will have their full, intended legal effect.

This article represents the opinion of the author and is intended for educational purposes. This article does not constitute legal advice, nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. One should always consult with an experienced attorney before making estate planning decisions.

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